Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ouch, Lance. Just ouch.

Lance Armstrong Blames Sheryl Crow's Biological Clock for Split

I'm so hot and cold when it comes to Lance Armstrong. On one hand, I love what he's done to raise awareness (and funds) for cancer research. And he's a role model for guys everywhere who think they can get into shape by riding a bike - not easy to do unless you're logging hundreds of miles a week, but if it gets them off the ouch, good for them. But this recent news about him blaming Sheryl Crow's biological clock for their breakup is just cold, considering the fact that he's now with some 20-something girl from his staff who is now pregnant with his child. If the pregnancy was an accident/miracle, fine, but do you need to publish - and publicize - that you didn't want kids with Crow? And what about your future child, who will now know that you didn't want to have any more kids?

I'm not a huge fan of Sheryl Crow's music - she's okay, not great - but this is just rude. Good for her for going ahead and adopting. But she might want to rethink the outfit in the above photo - are those overalls?

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