Monday, May 11, 2009

How do I feel?

As a newly pregnant person, I'm finding one of the most popular questions for people to ask me (after "when are you due?") is, "how do you feel?" I usually just say "fine" or "can't complain."

What I really want to say is, "hungover."

I get headaches, I often wake up with my head in a fog, I'm nauseous and I crave foods that are bad for me. The only difference here is that I didn't get to be drunk. On the plus side, I didn't make an ass of myself the night before. (Or, maybe I did, but I remember doing it.)

I think I'll just stick to saying "can't complain."

1 comment:

  1. Hee hee hee...hopefully you'll transition into the next phase soon, "pregnant and feelin' fine" (otherwise known as the second trimester.)
