Sunday, January 16, 2011

Red Letter Day

I just took a moment to appreciate the fact that the stars have aligned for me today.

The Bears beat the Seahawks today and are heading to the NFC Championship. I violated my screen time rule and had the game on today while Eamon played basically right in front of it, though fortunately he didn't stare straight at the TV like he does when we watch on the HDTV downstairs. He enjoyed my playing the Bears fight song at every touchdown.

Near the end of the game, he went down for a second nap and should be asleep long enough for me to enjoy some "countdown to the red carpet" coverage leading up to the Golden Globes. And, by the time Ricky Gervais takes the stage as host, Brian will be home and will likely be more than willing to put E to bed. I know the Golden Globes don't really mean much, since they are actually only the opinions of less than 100 foreign journalists, but there's nothing more fun than watching Gervais have his way with so many slightly drunk celebrities at one time.

1 comment:

  1. Go Bears, and Go Pack! It will be a great game to watch, and I will be happy with either team winning and going to the Super Bowl (I have that right, don't I?).
