Thursday, January 27, 2011


I got an e-mail from Twitter yesterday. And I fell for it. It said, "We've missed you!" Really, I fell for that. I'm back on, for now. Really it's a convenient way to get news. I'm following BBC News, Brian Williams, "The Daily Show" and a few other news outlets. (I know, Jon Stewart is not a "real" news anchor, but he is enjoyable and he sits at a newslike desk and his show has a newslike format, so...close enough.) And I don't mind seeing the Twitter thoughts of my favorite comedians and authors. So, Twitter is not all bad.

What's bad about it is all the Kardashians and Bachelorette's out there who use it to further poke themselves into the public eye by tweeting things like, "OMG i just found some fab shoes that make my hair look longer!!!!" Ugh.

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