Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Getting Out of the House

Now that Eamon is able to fully see the world around him, I am making more of an effort to get out for longer periods of time and let him see and interact with different people. Last week we took him to the park for a turn on the baby swings (see picture). It was late in the day for him, so he was only semi-impressed with the experience. Today, however, we stopped at a different park in the neighborhood adjacent to our suburb, and he was so excited about that swing and everything around it (a train stop and the trains that came through, for one) that his mouth was wide open the entire fifteen minutes we were there.

Yesterday we finally made it to the "mom and baby" yoga class at the studio in Lincoln Square where I took prenatal yoga last summer. It really should be called, "Yoga for New Moms: It's Okay If You Bring Your Baby and S/He is Really Loud and Fussy." Most of the class involved Eamon lying on the blanket at the top of my mat while I did the poses. In fact, at the start of the class, we moms were instructed to lie on our backs with our arms out as she talked us through some relaxation techniques. I peeked down at Eamon and he was in the exact same pose as the adults. Soon, though he got a little antsy and I had to stop a couple of times to console him. Toward the end of class, we put the babies on our bellies and did some good abdominal exercises, which made him giggle and subsequently drool all over my shirt. Soon he was distracted by the cute 7-month-old girl on the mat next to us. He gazed at her for at least two minutes. She was cute, I have to say.
It's fun to watch him notice new people; he studies their faces awhile and decides whether or not he should smile cutely or frown and then burst into tears. Most often he smiles, especially at the ladies. Either way, it's nice to see him take in the big world outside.

1 comment:

  1. I always wondered how the Savasana would go in a mom & baby yoga class. Sounds like a good time! As John M. said when he was about nine, I don't think he'll have any trouble with the ladies ;-). Glad you are able to get out and do more fun things with him!
