Thursday, April 15, 2010

Big Day Out

Yesterday was Eamon's first trip to Chicago's museum campus and lakefront and fortunately it was 75ish with blue skies all around. We met cousins Erin, Megan and Sean and Aunt Becky for a stroll by the water, with a stop for the big kids (and me) for ice cream. Nothing beats an ice cream sandwich on a warm, sunny day, by the way.

Regrettably, I forgot my camera at home, but when we pulled in the driveway and I got out to bring him inside, I decided this image pretty much sums up the effects of a day of fresh air. He was totally conked out. I can't wait for summer.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable photo of Eamon, snoozing off his exciting day! And for the record, I would have had an ice cream sandwich too, if I hadn't already been eating all morning (and all afternoon then afterward.) It has to be the nursing...

    Megan excused herself from the dinner table and went to sleep in clothes last night. That trip downtown really did everyone in!
