Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Where to?

I had to post something new just so I wouldn't have to look at the picture of the three latest E! celebu-idiots.

Brian and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary this November. It really doesn't seem like ten years, except when I think about some of the things I picked out for our wedding. One of the only things I still like is my dress. Amazing how one's tastes change from 25 to 35.

In celebration, and as an excuse to go on vacation, we are planning a trip of some sort. Nothing extensive, since we are now not only funding a retirement savings but also a college tuition savings, but a long weekend or four-day vacation would be great. We've considered Mexico, since it's a direct flight and relatively inexpensive, but we've been there already and, like our restaurant experiences, we hate to go to the same place twice. It's just such a big world, why repeat destinations? We've done the Caribbean, specifically the British Virgin Islands, but I suppose we could consider a different part of that region. We'd love to see more of Europe -- I am dying to get to Bruges, Belgium, but that is a long flight and we're leaving Eamon behind (sniff). And it takes just as long to get to Hawaii from here.

The possibilities are not exactly endless, but it is fun to think about going somewhere new to celebrate our 10 years together. Maybe we should get out the world map we had in our first apartment and throw a dart at it. The dart would probably land in, like, downstate Illinois.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, heck, just go up to The Dells and ride the ducks! ;-)
