Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why do I...?

Watch "Entourage?"
I decided last night that every woman on this show is either crazy or slutty. Or both. And that Jeremy Piven yelling insults at people is just tired. And yet I keep watching. I guess I want to make sure Lloyd makes it as an agent.

Visit people.com?
I really don't give a shit which Kardashian got married/got pregnant/broke up with her pro athlete boyfriend. I also don't want to know what the cast of "Full House" is up to these days. Yet it's bookmarked on my browser and I check it nearly every day because I can skim the headlines and stay up on useless celebrity news.

See Jennifer Aniston movies?
I know, I've complained about her before, and I might not pay to see her movies in the theater, but I have undoubtedly seen everything this bland actress has ever made, with the exception of "The Leprechaun." If it's on cable, I will stop and watch it. And I will say out loud to anyone within earshot, "God, she is ALWAYS the same person - it's Rachel Green all over again!" And then I watch the rest of the movie. I think it's her hair that makes me unable to turn away.

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