Thursday, August 6, 2009

Random Thoughts

Or: Things that I've been asking myself lately that don't warrant an entire blog entry because they are evidence of the abundance of time I have on my hands lately:

Victoria Beckham is going to be a guest host on American Idol. Did I really need another reason not to watch that show?

Why is Amy Adams' haircut so bad in the upcoming movie Julie & Julia? I've seen photos of the real Julie Powell -- her hair is not that bad.

Why did I agree to let Brian put our 8-foot handrail, awaiting installation, on the floor in the basement in my path to the laundry room? I'm pretty sure I jammed my toe this morning.

Am I just anti-people lately, or was the woman next to me in yoga really mean and annoyingly bossy? We did four different "partner" poses and I really got tired of her telling me what to do.

Why is it so hard for the Chicago Tribune to publish one issue without at least three glaring errors? Today's paper includes a quote that uses "they're" instead of "their." I know they're short staffed these days, but come on...

Why does mediocre actress Jennifer Aniston have a successful career making mediocre movies? I'm sure there are plenty of great, undiscovered actresses out there whose hair is just as well conditioned. Can we have a little variety, please, Hollywood?

1 comment:

  1. Random responses:
    How's The Shack? A bunch of my friends have read it, and have really enjoyed it. It's on my "to read" list. As is "Julie and Julia."

    Jennifer Aniston=blaaaaaaahhhhh. Bo-ring!

    Partner poses make me self-conscious, therefore defeating the whole concept of yoga. Furthermore, a lady in yoga at the park this weekend TALKED through almost the WHOLE savasana. I thought I was going to lose my mind. Way to screw up my journey to inner-peace, loser.

    ...and a few other things I'll have to send you in email form. Funny stories to share. I'll try to write to you this afternoon.
