Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I stopped over to my neighbor's house today to meet her new dog. Her last dog, who was honestly the nicest dog I'd ever known, was hit by a car just at the beginning of last week. She said the only way she could get over him was to get a new puppy. I brought her some tiny dog treats as a welcome gift and got to hold her (the puppy, not my neighbor) for a bit.

In the afternoon, I stopped by a friend's house to drop return some pants she'd loaned me early in my pregnancy. She has a six-week-old baby who happened to be awake and alert when I stopped by. This baby is so mellow, every time I see him (about once a week or so) he is just making gurgling noises and maybe, at worst, letting out a little gas. Not a big cryer, this kid. I asked how she was sleeping, and she said it was a little better, but that he wanted to be held all the time. I asked if I could hold him if she wanted some hands-free time. She passed him over and I said, "Wow, I got to hold a puppy and a baby in the same day. Not bad."

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