Monday, June 15, 2009

What irritates me

Things that irritate me lately:

People spitting in public (intentionally, that is).
When the driver in front of me enters the expressway at 45 mph when traffic is moving at 65 or faster. Please press the pedal on the right or we will both die!
Shia LeBeouf's name.
Shia LeBeouf.
Paris Hilton's fame.
Simon Cowell's wardrobe of v-neck T-shirts.
Simon Cowell's hair.
Oh, alright. Simon Cowell.
Romantic comedies.
Chick lit.
The phrase chick lit.
People who feel the need to talk about how much they waste - in time, money, energy - as if it's amusing or impressive. I don't want to know you overpaid for that dress. It doesn't make you cool in my mind, it makes you dumb.
People talking on their cell phones in small public spaces - the el, the Metra, a bathroom stall (that is just gross).
The adorable bunny who is less and less adorable because he keeps eating the flowers I just planted.
People who abuse the system.


  1. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were getting your period!

  2. Oh yeah, bring it on! I'm right behind you on this one, in fact, perhaps you've inspired my own next post. Anyhow, I'm assuming you read the Parade article about Shia LeBouf? Because I just finished it this morning, and it boggled my mind. I suppose that's what I get for reading Parade, right? I felt like punching the newspaper after I finished his article. Next time, I'm sticking to Ask Marilyn and that's it!!

    (I liked this post!)
