Monday, June 1, 2009

Halfway There Already?

I'm officially 20 weeks pregnant today. Is that really halfway? I feel like my October due date is still so far away.

Halfway sounds like a lot, but in any race I've ever run, the halfway point, while nice to see, only meant that there was more work ahead. When I hit the halfway point in a half marathon I did last year, I thought, "Jesus, I have to run another 10k?!? And then some?!?"

The difference here, though, is that every week I feel less sick. I look more pregnant. I feel the baby moving more. I don't have a spare tire, I have an official bump. This week, we find out if we're having a boy or a girl, so we can look more seriously at names, nursery decor, and baby gear. We can stop accidentally referring to the baby as "it."

Unlike a run, I think the second half of this experience will be more fun than the first.

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