Saturday, June 6, 2009

Baby Boy Healy

We had our 20 week ultrasound this past week and learned we are having a boy! I really thought it was a girl, only because I know so many pregnant friends and family members who are expecting boys already. We truly didn't care either way, we are just elated to be pregnant and with a healthy baby, but it's fun to know now that we do. We're starting to toss around names and can officially refer to the baby as "he" without catching ourselves.

The ultrasound was entertaining. Our tech was an Asian woman named Bridget - and by Asian I mean from an Asian country, not Asian American. I think she was Chinese but I didn't want to generalize. She was not only the first Asian woman I've ever met named Bridget, she was also very perky. When she started the ultrasound she got the baby on screen and said, "Okay, now baby is positioned with the head down." Then she reached into her pocket and pulled out this visual aid, minus the hat:

She held it so the doll's feet were facing me, and its hair was askew, so at first I thought it was a troll doll. That would have creeped me out. But then I realized it was Strawberry Shortcake, a doll I played with quite often as a kid. (In fact, my mom saved this little 3" tall, scented figure and my nieces now play with her when they visit Grandma. Oddly enough, she still smells.) Bridget explained that the baby was facing down at the moment and that it was about that size - I should have asked if the head was as disproportionately large as this doll's, but I was afraid she might say yes.

After several minutes of measurements and showing us all the baby's organs, spine and limbs, she did some prodding and encouraging words of "come on, baby," he finally moved his legs down and we saw his business. It's a boy!


  1. Ahhh! I love every bit of this story! I mean really, a Strawberry Shortcake at an ultrasound, for a parent who is a child of the 80's? It's really just too perfect. I hope my ultrasound tech has one too, as opposed to the Purple Pie Man, which would just be sort of scary. I would be fine with Lemon Meringue as well. But I digress.

    I am so excited to meet the next Baby Boy Healy. I bet his two upcoming cousins will be delighted as well, in addition to everyone else in the family. Things in the Healy family are soon going to get much, much louder. And that is a great thing!

  2. So Vladimir for the first name, right?
