Friday, May 13, 2011

Word Police

The following is one of those lists that builds up in my head gradually, usually after a visit to Facebook or an evening watching a bit too much television. The following are words, non-words and phrases we need to stop using:

"Seriously." Seriously, stop saying seriously, everyone. "Grey's Anatomy" is not even using it anymore, to my knowledge. (Then again, I stopped watching that show after the fourth time McDreamy and what-her-face broke up, so I can't say with absolute certainty it is not used at least six times per episode in an attempt at comedy.) Try "really," "honestly," or my favorite, "are you (expletive) kidding me?"

"Prolly." What? Prolly? Do you mean probably, random Facebook commenter? Your speech might have gotten lazier with the use of texting and Facebooking, but just because you aren't required to ever speak on the phone again doesn't mean you don't have to spell words correctly and not exactly as you lazily (mis)pronounce them. "Prolly" might be worse than "supposebly," but the jury is still out on that one.

"Easy breezy." I think this started as part of a cosmetics company's tagline, as in, "Easy, breezy, beautiful, Cover Girl." Now it's a phrase cheesy breezy people use to convince others of how simple something is. Just say "easy." It's easier.

1 comment:

  1. ... or "easy sleazy" people. "Honestly" I love, mostly because it makes me think of the book "Honestly Katie John." She was a goofy kid like me (notice I didn't say "I was"?).

    A favorite in our house is "akshamee" - a variation on "actually" which Scott learned from a phone customer at his former job. He asked her to repeat it, just to make sure, and she did. I just can't decide how to spell it. Perhaps the phonetic would suffice? I hope it hasn't spread too far.
