Thursday, December 23, 2010


The other night, Brian figured out that he could squeeze in a ski trip to Park City, Utah, in conjunction with a January business trip he has to make to Salt Lake City. Before Eamon, we went skiing out west nearly every year, and Park City (home of Sundance, and the Sundance Film Festival, where were it not for Paris Hilton's presence I would want to check out rather badly) has been on my list of "must ski" destinations for about five years.

We just took our anniversary trip to Cabo San Lucas a month ago. That was our first trip away from Eamon, and it wasn't quite as hard as I thought to leave him behind for a few days, but evidently I am not ready to leave the little guy again so soon. I turned down the opportunity to join Brian for skiing -- and my second favorite part, apres ski -- saying that not only does it cost money and we just spent a lot on a vacation recently, but we'd have to leave Eamon again.

I don't want to be one of those couples that never travels because they have kids, but I was shocked to hear myself utter the words "no thanks" when it came to a ski trip. Without hesitation.

Now, back to my Christmas cookie baking. Oh my god, I'm such a mom.

1 comment:

  1. Like Brian said, he's going to have Eamon on skis in, what, two years? ;-) It won't be long at all.
