Friday, November 20, 2009

He's here!

Well, he was nine days late, but I'll forgive him. On October 28, we welcomed Eamon Connor into our lives. I know every new parent thinks this, but he literally gets cuter to me every day. He's eating like a champ and, consequently, developing "rubber band wrists" and chubby thighs. He's sleeping as well as we could have hoped -- only waking us once at night most of the time. He's not the best napper during the day, but neither are we, so it's not throwing me off too much. In all, we're really enjoying parenthood thus far. I'm sure it will provide plenty of material for me here.
This is not me at my most photogenic, but is it me, or is that baby smiling at me?

1 comment:

  1. I clicked to enlarge, and yes, Eamon is smiling at you. No doubt. I like that guy-he has a great attitude!
