Friday, June 29, 2012

Things I Would Do With A Little Extra Time

  • Read the new Dave Eggers novel, "A Hologram for the King." 
  • Write a fan letter to Dave Eggers, my favorite author, and read up on his literacy organization.
This is the best they could do?
  • Write a combo letter to the producers of the Today Show congratulating them for finally getting rid of the error-prone Ann Curry, but questioning their judgement in replacing her with the almost as annoying Savannah Guthrie, who talks like she is 14 and has a weird haircut. Back to morning radio for me. 
  • Tweeze my eyebrows. 
  • Find a new favorite band. I am way behind - finally downloaded the Black Keys' El Camino a few weeks ago.
  • Re-educate myself on the intricacies of my camera. The more I try to play with it, the worse my pictures turn out. Thank god for "Auto" mode. And so much for that photojournalism class I took in college.
  • Blog more.

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