Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jack in the Box

My favorite sound in the world is my baby's laugh.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wow. That's ... Specific.

About a month ago, I started heeding the advice of friends of mine (who don't live near me) and sought out a "mom's group" in my area. A few people I know suggested a Web site called, a clever site where you can search for groups of people who share your interests and who meet regularly to, I guess, talk about those interests? Do those things that are mutually of interest to you all?

Anyway, I registered on the site in order to find some fellow stay at home moms with younger children (preferably babies or toddlers). I haven't found one that fits me as far as location goes, but I get regular notices from the site when someone starts up a new group that somewhat meets my parameters or keywords. These requests are somewhat entertaining. A notice I got today was an good example of just how specific (and, I assume, how small) these groups can get:

New MeetUp Group!

Fun, Sporty and Youthful Moms with Teenage Sons Aged 14-18

Now, when I set up my parameters, I was trying to avoid being too picky, like I didn't care if the other moms lived in the city or suburbs but it would be handy if they lived within 15 miles of me (that could mean they live downtown, on the north shore, wherever). But the woman who created this group is a 34-year-old with a 16-year-old son, both of whom have "a ton of energy" and are looking for like-minded moms and their sons with whom they can "make friends." How many women are there like her? She suggests they all go rock climbing! Or (if your son's not an athlete like hers) bowling!

I suspect this woman's son, if he's like most 16-year-olds, was mortified to know she has posted this. Then again, there is a profile photo of them practically hugging one another. They look like a late 80s sitcom. (Editor's note: The photo above is not them. Clearly.)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Need a Calling

I told myself (and my husband) that I'd spend Eamon's first year with him at home, and then look for a part time job. Eamon turned 7 months last week, and I am starting to have dreams about interviewing and job offers. Last week, I dreamed I was offered a job working for Will Farrel, and his boss at the company was Lance Armstrong. No idea where this came from except that Talledaga Nights was on TBS last week. Maybe I secretly want to be Amy Adams?

Now that the job market is slowly improving (at least, the mass layoffs are subsiding) I am starting to think about what kind of job I want. I am pretty sure I don't want to go back to the nonprofit sector. And I'm not quite sure I want to stay in public relations. I think my problem is that so far I only know what I don't want to do. The next step, I guess, is figuring out what I do want. It's too bad there isn't a career path for someone with a knack for trivia, a gift for dealing with people, and a quick wit.

Maybe a game show host?