Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Honk if You Like Sitting Up

Eamon started sitting up a couple of weeks ago. The other night I made a run to Toys R Us to buy some blocks and a couple of other new items. Every time he plays with a new toy that requires him to sit up, he turns and looks at me like he's so proud of himself. When I took this picture, one of about 20 I took while he was "driving" this car, he literally posed for me, moving his hand from the green stickshift, to the steering wheel, to the horn for a quick "honk!"

God help me when this kid starts crawling.


  1. HOORAY! Your aunt is very proud, Eamon!

  2. Eamon, stop! Your cuteness makes my heart melt! How do you manage to look so effortlessly adorable?
