Friday, January 22, 2010

Back to the Grind

Okay, so I haven't quite found a job yet, but next week Eamon will be 12 weeks old. I told myself I'd start looking for a part time gig right around now, sort of a self-imposed maternity leave. Thanks to Obama, I am still on unemployment and may very well be until August, and even got a little extra cash because I now have a "dependent."

So today I dusted off my LinkedIn profile, printed out my resume and actually found one listing for a part-time PR specialist at a national nonprofit whose offices are located downtown, in the Loop, which would be nice. I'll submit my resume and if I get an interview, great. If not, I'll at least know there are indeed part-time jobs out there that I would actually want. I just can't believe it's time to start looking. At the same time, there are days when I miss the challenges and mental workout brought about by having a job.

I love being a mom, but I can also appreciate why some women decide to go back to their careers. Yesterday, Brian came home at 6:30. I heard him fiddling with his key at the back door and I said to Eamon, "Oh, no, we locked the door on your dad!" Then, horrified, I corrected myself, "We didn't lock the door. He locked it when he left at 7 a.m. this morning. We didn't leave the house all day!" The thing that horrified me about that was that I hadn't even noticed. But I did kick ass at that day's episode of "Jeopardy!"

1 comment:

  1. A successful day of Jeopardy is indeed an accomplishment, in my book. And good luck with the part-time job. I know you'll find something that works well for both you and Eamon.
