Thursday, August 4, 2011

If You Knew Debbie Sue

One night last week I made a run to the mall by myself after dinner. I hadn't been shopping without a stroller and toddler in awhile, so I might have been a little slap happy when I saw this... uh...poster?...on a bulletin board.

My first reaction was, "Oh, that's too funny, she used an outdated photo and this is ironic." Then I read the titles of her books:

My Husband the Stranger
Still Single
Still Dating

Then I saw her web site. Her web site, (how does she have nonprofit status?), seems to be current based on the copy. She references her book that was published last September. The layout, much like the design of her poster/flyer, looks like she designed it in 1996. In her home office. On her IBM 486.

As far as I can tell, Debbie Sue is not being ironic. And she really goes by Debbie Sue. With a haircut like that, why not?