Thursday, December 17, 2009


I have really been slacking on this blog writing. You would think I had another human being in my care. Someone to think about besides myself. Oh wait.

Eamon is seven weeks old today, and I can hardly believe how fast the time is going by. I swear every time I pick him up he gets bigger. Then again, that might not just be me. The kid eats every two hours. According to one of our baby books, he is about the size of the average three month old.

We can't really complain much about his sleep habits at night. He sleeps in pretty long stretches for a baby his age, and I get about eight hours of sleep a night, interrupted by one feeding. It's during the day that he seems to think he is six years old already. He is not a good napper, much like I wasn't when I was a kid. (I remember fighting my mom on this more than once.) He'll fall asleep in my arms -- cute, right? -- well, then I think it's okay to set him in his nice, sturdy, Consumer Product Safety Division-approved crib, and he throws up his legs like he's working on his abs, or he throws his arms in the air like a referee in the end zone (I have yet to tire of yelling "touchdown!" when he does this) and he is awake again, wanting to be held.

I know there will come a day very soon when he will be "too big to cuddle" (Raising Arizona) and will want nothing to do with me in public, so I should cherish these days. And I try to. I sometimes cave in and just watch a movie on cable while I hold him, or try to just read a magazine or book one-handed while he sleeps in my lap. But there are days when I need to clean, or do laundry, or just need the freedom to get up to pee, for God's sake. Today, though, he is snoozing (albeit somewhat fitfully) in his bouncy seat in front of the Christmas tree. Every once in awhile he lets out a little sigh. (To add to the picture, you should know "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is playing softly on the iPod.) And it's taking everything in me not to drop what I'm doing and go pick him up.

Note: I just got a new, "fancy" camera but have yet to browse the user guide. This photo was taken on the auto mode. But hopefully there will be more photos on here soon. Also, disregard the array of rattles and gymini parts strewn about the living room floor.